3 line art images for laser scanning, modeling, tracking construction phases

Post Processing

Post Processing

For the post processing we import the scans taken into the respective software (Faro goes into SCENE and Leica goes into Cyclone Register 360) where we can perform registration. Registration is the process in which we take all the scans and combine them. During this process, we use targets placed on site during the scanning process or elements of the environment scanned in to combine them. These targets can be either a checkerboard target or a sphere however if none were used, we can still use corners, walls, and other objects to connect scans. If we perform on-site registration, all these steps can be done on site to help reduce the time it takes to post process. After the scans are processed, we clean up issues with reflections that are created by the scanner. Once all the processing is complete, we can export the scans into multiple different file types, but we tend to use RCS the most.